Treasure every moment of fun!

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Golf Island
9 amazing holes!

9 amazing holes to explore
to challenge your companions!

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Double up the fun with
the second round for

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Our golf course has great adventures
for the whole family.

Feast your eyes!

Metro Adventure Golf is where the fun begins! Check out our 9 hole crazy golf course of fun-filled action, packed with life sized hungry animals! With 9 exciting safari packed holes each varying in difficulty to bring the inner player out! This Safari themed golf park can host events and cater from Metro Italia restaurant.

Upcoming Match

Keep in touch with us to enjoy the upcoming matches.

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Did someone say party!

Putt over your little ones with the best kids mini golf birthday party – fun, food and good times as well ad tea and coffee for the grown up! The facility has a large restaurant and large car park to acomdate for all sizes of part guests! We want to make sure every party is unique and one to remember so contact us for more info.

Contact us
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Hungry while playing? We have you covered!

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After a game on the green why not transport yourself 1000’s of miles across the sea, and dine in our Metro Italia Restaurant?
With our Italian food, you can enjoy scrumptious pizza’s and pasta, or whatever your appetite, we’ve got you covered.
We also have a great selection of junior meals on our Metro Italia kids' menu; with family favourites alongside delicious deserts and drinks. 

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Hungry while playing?We have you covered!

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I love to play online games, especially when I can take them seriously and become one-of-a kind. It gives me immense happiness that my skillful moves win major tournaments. We want to provide you with all the information about gaming trends and latest news in a fun way. We want to provide you with all the information about gaming trends.

Roar Spring

Top Rated Gamer
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Many desktop publishing packages and web page now editors.It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted thereadable content of page when looking at it layout the point using lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution letteas opposed to using making it look like readable english,many desktop publishing packages and web page now editors

Randolph Frazier

Top Rated Gamer
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News & Blog

We want to provide you with all the information about gaming trends and latest news in a fun way. Check out the blogs!

Ready for an adventure?
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